Combi Ovens
From front cooking in hotels and restaurants to industry catering in schools, canteens and retirement homes. For small and large quantities. From 30 to 3000 meals. From supermarkets to fine dining. Here you will find all the details relating to Rational Combi Ovens that suits your wishes, needs and requirements. And it can do much more than a convection oven or steamer.

Convection Ovens
Nevo Pratika Convection ovens guarantee excellent cooking results through the use of dry, intense heat. By adjusting the appropriate control it is possible to introduce steam into the chamber in order to keep the food soft and juicy.
Available in Electric and Gas with 5 and 10 Trays which can take both GN and EN Trays offering maximum flexibility for Food Service and Bakery Business

Cook & Hold Units
Our commercial cook and hold ovens with Halo Heat® technology have stood the test of time – providing customers with better food quality and higher yields for decades. Within each low temperature oven, radiant Halo Heat evenly surrounds food without extremely hot elements, added humidity or fans that typically degrade food quality. Designed for built-in savings, these cooking and holding ovens significantly lower labour and operating costs, putting money back into your pocket.

Mixing Kettles
Dieta Kettles are a revolutionary line of automated mixing kettles designed to streamline your kitchen operations and boost productivity. These versatile kettles can handle a wide range of tasks, from cooking and mixing to cleaning, all with exceptional efficiency.

Modular Cooking
Modular kitchen designs comprise of modern machinery and a wide range of cooking appliances to ensure the highest efficiency in any cook line.
Suitable for a range of kitchen sizes and desired functional needs.

Mult-Function Cooking Unit
The Rational iVario is an advanced multifunctional cooking system designed for professional kitchens. It combines the functionality of multiple appliances, such as tilting pans, boilers, and deep fryers, into a single, compact unit. The iVario excels in precision cooking, using innovative heating and control technology to deliver consistent results while saving time, energy, and labor.

Multi-Function Ovens
The Alto-Shaam Vector Oven is a high-performance commercial oven designed for versatile and efficient cooking. Its signature feature is Structured Air Technology™, which allows simultaneous cooking in multiple independent chambers, each with its own temperature, fan speed, and cook time settings. This enables operators to prepare a variety of foods without flavor transfer, reducing the need for multiple appliances.