DIHR Ware & Utensil Washing
The DIHR range features undercounter and hood-type models, rack and flight-type machines as well as pot and granules warewashers.

Ware & Utensil Washing Lorem
- 2 x 25 litres effective volume
- 50-100 meals per day
- 2 x 19 dm2 cooking surface
- Intuitive operating concept
- Effective energy management
- Desired result without monitoring
- Pressure cooking (optional)
- Division of pan base into four zones

Winterhalter Ware & Utensil Washing
Excellent warewashers. Optimal water treatment. Highly effective chemicals. Tailor-made racks. And practical accessories. Each product is an effective component in its own right. Together they are the perfect solution for first-class wash results and an efficient washing process.