Cork Bar & Catering

Manufacturing & Installation 

From our base in Cork, our team of 19 highly trained and service-led pro­fes­sion­als spe­cialise in Kitchen DesignStain­less Steel Man­u­fac­tur­ingRefrig­er­a­tionInstal­la­tion and Ser­vic­ing. With over 400 prod­ucts in our port­fo­lio, our cus­tomers can choose from some of the best and most recog­nis­able brands in the world.

Vis­i­tors to our show­room can also see a selected range of equip­ment that we hold in stock to allow for a direct expe­ri­ence of the look and feel of some of the prod­ucts we offer. Out expe­ri­enced team are on hand to pro­vide a con­sul­tancy ser­vice if required, whether to guide you through all stages of the process from design to instal­la­tion or to advise on spe­cific prod­ucts or renovations.Following instal­la­tion, our demon­stra­tion chef will train your staff in the use of the equipment.

We pride our­selves on devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing long stand­ing rela­tion­ships with our cus­tomers. A key part of this is the long term ser­vice solu­tions we can offer. Our team of ser­vice engi­neers, located through­out Mun­ster, respond quickly and effi­ciently to call-outs when required.

About CBC

Cork Bar and Catering Equipment Ltd. has been a leading supplier of catering equipment in Ireland since 1981. With over 400 products in our portfolio, our customers can choose from some of the best and most recognisable brands in the world.

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